Your transaction history is a record of all the transactions that you have made on your account. This includes purchases, and redemptions. You can view your transaction history at any time by following these steps:
1. Log in to your account.
2. Click on the Menu button (three lines) at the upper right corner of your home page.
3. Select “My Account,” and then “Account History.”
4. Your transaction history will be displayed in a table.
To access transaction records over an extended period (e.g., 6 months or more), you can do this by clicking on the "contact support" link, which will take you to a page where you can request a copy.
- On the request page, choose “Purchase Queries” on the dropdown menu.
- Fill out the required fields (the one with red asterisk).
- In the description section, please specify your request and the months that the requested transaction history should cover.
- Click Submit.
- Kindly anticipate receiving an email from us containing the transaction history document as an attachment.
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